A young girl waves an Italian flag from a decorated parade float surrounded by people holding flags during a celebration.
A vintage black-and-white photograph of officers and delegates of the Order Sons of Italy in America at the first Washington State Convention on November 10, 1930. The group is posed in a hall with American and Italian flags displayed in the background.

About us

We are an organization dedicated to the preservation of our Italian heritage, language and culture. 

 The Grand Lodge of Florida was incorporated in 1953.  Currently, there are 20 lodges under the umbrella of the Grand Lodge of Florida, with a total of approximately 1,420 members.  

The Florida Foundation

The Florida Foundation issues five scholarships annually to graduating high school seniors in Florida. Local lodges also are active in issuing scholarships within the boundaries of their individual unit. 

The Foundation also donates to charities, such as the cancer fund, Alzheimer’s fund, Autism and Cooley’s Anemia.

The Commission for Social Justice

The Commission for Social Justice strives to promote our Italian heritage and culture while dealing with issues of defamation, bias, and bigotry.

The Commission is particularly concerned with eliminating false and discriminatory portrayals of Italian Americans.

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Ways to get involved!

Ready to learn how you can help support our service and advocacy missions for Americans of Italian descent?
Click on the topics below to learn more!

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Find Your Local Lodge

Lodges meet regularly for social and community-oriented activities. Dues vary according to individual lodges.

Use the map below to find a local lodge near you.

Meeting Information

Amerigo Vespucci - Area 2 Royal Highlands Recreational Center
Bradenton - Area 4 Wednesday Peridia Golf and Country Club Terrace on the Green Restaurant 2nd Wednesday
Buona Fortuna - Area 1 Thursday Vickrey Community Center
Central Gulf Coast - Area 3 Monday Regency Oaks Retirement Community - fourth Monday of the month
Cuore D'Italia - Area 6 Wednesday Jupiter Community Center
Deltona Sons & Daughters of Italy - Area 2
Dominick Gentile - Area 7 Sartory Hall
Joseph B. Franzalia - Area 1
La Nuova Sicilia Unita - Area 4
Nature Coast - Area 3 St. Theresa Catholic Church
Osceola County - Area 2
Perry Como - Area 6 Wednesday Tequesta Gardens Club House
Port Charlotte - Area 4 Wednesday Meetings take place the second Wednesday of each month
Port St. Lucie #2594 - Area 6 Tuesday Tutto Fresco
Richard A. Capozzola - Area 1
SGT F.M. Bonanno - Area 7 Thursday
Sons & Daughters of Key West - Area 7
Sons & Daughters of Una Famiglia - Area 3 Veterans H.E.A.T. Factory
St. Augustine - Area 5 Thursday Saint Anastasia Catholic Church
Upper Keys Sons & Daughters - Area 7
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